Saturday, 26 March 2016

Plans / Ideas for the Front Cover, Contents Page and DPS

------------------------Front Cover------------------------

--------------------------Contents Page--------------------------

------------------------Double Page Spread------------------------

Friday, 25 March 2016

House-Style, Logo and Title


With the style for the Mast Head I would look to have the Font as a 'Techno' styled font.

I used and for looking for fonts.

 I would look for a in between for a Sans Serif and Mono styled font. It would be best with a curve to the font and it would have a lot of weight in the font, meaning to be very thick. I would say best to have the width to not be stretched too far and having the height to be fairly balanced in the font. In all EDM / House styled magazine the fonts would be big and stand out clearly. No 'Noise' or complexity to it in most cases so that is what I will look when making my own.

Thinking for title names I came across thinking of a few and had a few ideas.

Electronic Music Magazine - EMM

This title would be very clear to it relation to a music magazine, it would stand out and even though it is a long title it can be abbreviated to EMM, something that would still appear to stand out and sound a bit catchy with this I could already think of expanding in a design of have the abbreviated characters in large with the full title name covering the top of each letter. Something done with most Titles that have a long name to it and can be abbreviated

House Beat - HB

Similar to EMM but it was more short and simple, have both 'House' and 'Beat' it have a clear correlation to the genre of the magazine and that it is related to music. With this I would be able to have another possiblity for a catchy name to my magazine and that I could have. But I would also think of other ways I would show the Abbreviated and full title on a front cover display and if I would chose this name I would work on that further.

Equalizer - E

A one worded name that would have a clear and unique understanding the niche audience EDM / House targets. Equalizer is simply the modification of sound in a song which is applied to most if not all EDM / House music. This would be something very good to use for targeting a niche audience and would be a full title with not abbreviation. Being a one worded name and a niche styled name it would be great for the magazine.

 House Style

For the house style I would use a mixture of what I have gathered to have in the magazine. 


For Colour I would take into consideration would be White, Blue / Navy, Red, Black. These would what I would have as main colours, I may change or keep this the same the closer I get to starting the first magazine draft. These colours are one simple and have proven to reflect onto the EDM Genre for magazines. The colours combined represent Energy, Powerful yet Calm and Strong. With these colours also I would be able to make a contrasting colour pallet, which follows to the code of convention with magazines. With the Title the colour will be one colour, possibly just white or black) as the colour are very simple yet contrasting. Colours like Red or Blue would be used to Highlight key things in the Magazine to stand out and catch attention of the reader.


Language would be very key for all pages of the magazine, I would need to match the language style to something that would match the personality of the readers. It would need to be able to engage with the reader aswel as be understandable to them. The age range would be from 17 - 27 as a given target to match for their level of English, this would change to the complexity of words used aswel as the structure. The words used would be something that keep the energy in the magazine going and would stand out strong but the key thing would be keeping the reader's attention. Having a bit of persuasive language to pull them into reading the magazine.


Layout would be very important in making the design of the magazine. It would be how you represent the magazine to the audience and the Front Cover being very important to how the magazine would stand out. If the layout would be the same each time for the front cover or change it would still need a key way of standing out to the reader and audience. I would need to work on style that would seem best for the magazine and think ahead on colour placement. The layout would be managing the positioning for the feature for all pages. I aim to make 3 Layout style for each the Front Cover, Contents Page and DPS and maybe merge or change totally those layout in the end but at-least I have a starting point

Thursday, 24 March 2016

More into the Psychology of colours and Final Decision on Genre

This is a very basic mind map of basic colours and what they each represent. This will help to go towards making my magazine meet the personality of my selected genre. My final decision is to make a EDM magazine (Electronic Dance Music) and in terms of colours it will need a powerful yet energetic feel with a more open feel or reading also with a cool vibe to it and with use of the results from the magazine.

The Survey got Navy and Black to be the most favorable followed by Peacock and  Red a just a bit behind.

Each colour would show:

From Survey

Navy: Authority, Power, Strong

Black: Power, Strong,

Peacock: Loyalty, Calm / Serenity

Red: Energy, Dangerous/Bad , Excited

Aimed For EDM Magazines

Black: Power, Strong

White: Blank, Open

Red: Energetic, Excited

Green: Cool, Wealth

Blue: Loyal, Serenity