Monday, 25 January 2016

Questionaire / Survey Planning and Criteria Grid

For planning my survey my aim would to be to have about 7-10 questions so I do not have too many questions but not too little that I wouldn't be able to obtain the information I  need to know. Having 7 - 10 questions would allow me to have the questions of what I need to know and space to have the question and the space to have questions of what I would like to know and which would boost the look of my magazine. The genre I would like aim for was to be EDM Music, which is a very large genre range though I will check with what genre the audience would like and will aim towards what they want

What I need to know

Age and Gender, this information would be things that I would need to know as that would help aim my topics to the right gender if there is a bias and the right age range keeping the language used, and the type style to the right age. Also this would include things such as images and content.

Their Preferred Genre

For getting information on what the audience would like to read I would have multiple choices for them to look at:
Reviews, Trending, Upcoming events, News, Competitions, Interviews, Exclusive Content / Promotions

The Frequency of which they buy their magazines.

What I want to know

Things I would simply want to know in support of making my Magazine Cover, Contents and DPS would be things such as:

The Colour scheme they would like, possible I give them a sample of colours and ask to select a few they thing they would like together, or give them prefixes where they can chose between to colours I would use there colours aiming towards filling colours and text

What extra content other than music would they like, Things such as Health care, Technology, Political, Media / TV, Fashion / Beauty. This would add to what I would put on a contents page and if there were to be adverts.

Do they want mainstream or something new, it would help to see if the what the audience want to read in terms of just updating their knowledge on a topic or just a wider range

For getting colours for the people answering the survey to chose from I had made a colour pallet of colours that have shown to work best on magazines, and are suited for reading. I pick a handfull that I are recommended to most used on magazines.

EDIT: Images of the Survey
Link :



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